Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a Raspberry Pi 2 (Over-clocked)

This is an overview of the process to get Ubuntu 14.04 running on the Raspberry Pi 2 with the xubuntu desktop manager. I also go over over-clocking the Raspberry Pi 2. Ubuntu 14.04 image for Raspberry Pi 2: Performance Overview of this build (SanDisk Extreme Pro microSD + Over-clocked): Original Performance Overview (Sony microSD + …

Intel NUC MythTV Backend PVR/DVR on Minimal Ubuntu Install with Raspberry Pi Frontend

In this video, I detail setting up MythTV Backend on an Intel NUC using an HDHomeRun EXTEND tuner. I use a minimal install of Ubuntu 14.04. I then configure OpenELEC (Kodi) on a Raspberry Pi to connect to the MythTV backend. If you want to run front and backend on the same computer, see this …

Ubuntu 14.04 running on a Raspberry Pi 2

This is a quick look at Ubuntu 14.04 running on a Raspberry Pi 2. I was able to install MythTV backend on this but I can’t say how well it would work for daily use. Ubuntu 14.04 image for Raspberry Pi 2: Installing Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on the Raspberry Pi 2: Performance Overview of optimized …